Phoenix |
Entrepreneurs' Business Coaching
Entrepreneurs’ Small Business Coach: “Take the next critical step, I help my clients to ‘Think-Out-Of-The-Box' into their brilliance for success and prosperity!”
Do you want to get the answers and guidance necessary to create and make your business flourish and return great profits?
Do you want to be the best Entrepreneur you can be, will this be your destiny?
Whether you are you starting out or already established, Phoenix has got you covered with what you need!
· Phoenix will ask you the right questions and suggest the right action.
· Do you have the necessary traits, habits and behaviors for an entrepreneur can-do attitude and action?
· Do you need and want fresh ideas, perspective and concepts for a new or existing business? Get the why, what, how, when and the resources to follow through with your designed plans and goals.
· Get clarity, focus, solid information and the backbone your business needs for a jumpstart, or to go to the next highest level with the next critical steps for success.
· Combination Life and Business Coach- what a bonus! The full support you need, as many concerns that are personal can interfere or undermind even the best and experienced businessperson.
· The services of Phoenix Life Solutions & Strategies bring balance and highly intuitive insight to your professional and personal life.
· Strengthening your self-esteem and self-image through Coaching and Image Consulting.
· How to prevent or handle personal and business stress and procrastination.
· Get skills for a transition from the Corporate World to Self-Employment, including Lifestyle changes.
· How to change (effectively) negative or fearful beliefs, thoughts and feelings about: your life, relationships, money, career changes and building a new business, transitions, your abilities and experience… you get the idea, anything is possible!
· Creating solid goals and plans with solutions and strategies for any speed-bumps.
· Feel and develop confidence and peace of mind with a can-do attitude!
· Get the innovative and fresh edge that sets you apart from other businesses with new insights and perspective.
· Brainstorming with joint focus can bring phenomenal results of success to your business.
· Providing traditional and conventional wisdom, getting clearer direction with greater awareness, fulfilling your needs and wants; discovering different resources to achieve your vision.
Your Business reflects what is in your way of being effective, successful and balancing your personal life with your goals.
Phoenix has over thirty-five years of experience as a successful Entrepreneur; let her guide you to your destiny of success.
With over thirty-five years of pioneering the field of Life and Small Business Coaching, she offers depth, breadth, knowledge, experience and skill-sets for emerging Coaches, or for those who want to hone their skills more for their existing clientele.
There are many Coaches available in today’s market; what will make you different and more effective as a professional?
How will your background and transferable skills make you marketable and successful?
We will take a look at ‘your’ style of Coaching for you to develop to be most effective.
You may choose to receive clearing and refinement to be your best for your own clients. You and your clients benefit with your added confidence in who you are personally and professionally.
Testimony For Professional Coaches:
"Phoenix assists professionals to be free of their history in relationships that were defining experiences with negative impact. Ideal for coaches who need to gain clear perspective enabling them to fully serve their clients with service and love. When you need to "clear" yourself--and release your own baggage that gets in the way of what YOU do for your clients--go have a session with Phoenix!"
-Sheryl Roush, Professional Speaker: Sparkle Presentations
Whether you are interested in part or all of my services, I will custom fit my services to your needs.
Contact me with the specific concerns you have: personal, professional or a combination of these.
I will do my best to answer any and all questions you have about how we can work together.
We can do individual sessions or develop an in-depth program designed just for you.
Let's get you started now on a path of Freedom, Clarity, Focus and the Success you desire!
SEE:____Image Consulting and Make-Up Artist ((Tab at the top of this Page.)
***My Coaching includes the whole person!
"There is no second chance for your first impression, make it the Best of You!"
Balance & Wholeness |
Life Coaching
Phoenix, a Pioneer of Life Coaching
“Love yourself into healing, step into your passion and success.”
The Benefits of Working with Phoenix:
The Heart of Life is your Well-Being and Happiness.
Phoenix provides assistance with Physical, Emotional, Behavioral, Mental and Spiritual matters.
Phoenix offers effective new methods, skill sets & tools she developed that are traditional and may include esoteric and eclectic styles.
Intuitive insight assists her in seeing what's been missing or gone wrong. Stuck? Learn how to move forward and get Emotional and Mental Freedom from what haunts and disables you. Phoenix's work Re-sets a person to their ‘core’ Authentic Self, rather than an Acquired Self.
Do any of these injuries, illnesses, conditions or experiences relate to you or someone you know?
These are just a few areas that Phoenix has worked successfully with her clients. She can help you or a loved one.
Addictions, Abuses (any), Asthma, Bad Habits, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, need for Deprogramming, Fibromyalsia, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Bad Relationships and many other Acute/ Chronic, or Life Threatening Conditions or Personal situations.
·Better health, vitality and decision making, healing at your core-being to heal the root cause
·Relationships: Improve and develop effective skills for communication and/or have complete ‘clean’ closure
·Cancel old behaviors, patterns, discover your Authentic Self
·Reduce stress, feel balanced with more Self-Love
·Attain personal awareness and empowerment
·Receive direction, insight and clarity of purpose
·Personal Development: learning and growth, enhance
and strengthen your own gifts and abilities
·A Healing Pathway with you taking charge using empowering and skillful steps. Gain a fresh perspective on living with illness and focusing on healing and Being.
Phoenix is a Pioneer of Integrated Healing and Living. Her personal and professional experience with illness, healing, death and dying brings a wealth of information and insight. Anyone living with a chronic illness or degenerative condition will benefit by her skills. Phoenix has information and processes for retaining good health, positive attitude and the means to support loved ones with an illness. Whatever your concerns are with illness and healing, Phoenix brings a fresh clarity of insight for you to gain new skills to ‘Be’ with your experience. Consider the The Integrational Mastery of Life Program™ (I.M.Life™) mentioned below.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Phoenix.
I've known of my highly accurate intuitive abilities since childhood. Since the seventies I've studied and worked with many conventional and alternative medical and healing professionals. Additionally my education was in Integrated Practices at Bastyr University. Some areas of my special skills and experience are: Specialist of Behavioral Rehabilitation; Drug and Alcohol Abuse; Sound, Breath, and Movement Therapy; Right/Left Brain Integration; Therapeutic and Reflexive Bodywork; Eclectic, advanced, powerful and effective Phoenix Energywork™, also a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
I’ve been a pioneer for over thirty-five years in bringing forward Life Coaching. My purpose is to share empowering practical skills for growth and the possibility of a richer, fuller and more harmonious life for you personally and professionally.
A person is unique. Every process is individualized and works differently in each person. Education, bringing awareness and sensitivity to every client is my approach to helping them heal themselves. Each therapy has its own specific way of restoring energy, removing blockages and re-creating health, passion and balance to their life.
We experience Life through Spirit, Mind, Body and Emotion. Life is wholeness and the integration of all. Are you ready to create excellence in your life? If the answer is yes, an integrated experience of Being You is waiting.
You will receive support regarding essential areas of your concern and effective approaches to fulfill your needs.
A Pioneer in the field of Coaching for over 35 years. She has worked as a Coach, Integrative Consultant, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Massage Therapist, Energy Healer, Body-Mind Somantic Facilitator and Grief, Death and Dying, Cancer Therapist. Previous staff member: University of Washington Out-Patient Adult Development Program, assisting patients in Art Therapy and Conflict-Resolution issues to gain new coping and life skills; in conjunction with Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors and Abuse Counselors.
"I do it different, you'll be your better Self."
*Instructor and Practitioner of Wellness Lifestyle, --Healing Practitioner and Reverend
·The I.M. Life Program™ (mentioned below) is the Foundation of Quantum Self-Awareness and Personal Transformation at your Core. This is a complete Program customized for you to realize your Authentic Self.
The Integrational Mastery of Life Program™ (I.M.Life™) (A full description of this Program is below.) Briefly stated: The I.M. Life Program™ is essentially and experientially, integrated attunement of mind, body and spirit into daily life. The Program promotes wholeness and empowers you on all levels to respond to your purpose for Being. Beneficial changes are neutralizing old patterns and behaviors, reducing stress, and improving relationships. Better decision-making, health, vitality and greater Self-love with personal awareness and empowerment are gains you can realize through The I.M. Life Program™.
Phoenix will assist you with all or part of the Integrated Mastery of Life Program™. Healing at a soul level with the origin of core issues actually integrates attunement of Mind, Body and Spirit into daily life. The I.M. Life Program™ promotes wholeness and empowers you on all levels to respond to your purpose for Being. The I.M. Life Program™ consists of about 30 possible different modalities, (some are listed below).
Integrational Mastery of Life Program™
Discover Your Authentic Self
April of 1985 changed my life. My own quest and exploration for healing body, mind and spirit inspired a question that I asked of The Universe: "How does integrated healing take place on all levels?" The answer came in the way of a detailed four-hour vision. I knew then my purpose was to share this in-depth healing experience with those who are ready and willing to go within for their own Truth.
The I.M. Life Program™ was developed from this most personal and graphic enlightenment. I have combined my professional training, practical experience, and this gift from divine guidance to facilitate others in their quest. The I.M. Life Program™ is essentially and experientially, integrated attunement of mind, body, and spirit into daily life.
I will work with you to discover and rebuild a true foundation of who you really are. After reviewing your special needs and desires, I, Phoenix will create a unique Integrational Mastery of Life Program™ that supports and accelerates the in-depth changes you want in your life.
I.M.Life™ Sessions are developed in an A-Z manner for practical use in your every day living with real life issues and concerns. These Self-Homework Tools and Techniques are as varied as you are. The conventional and esoteric are blended and co-supportive in your process.
You will learn skills to help bring your mind, body and spirit to a deep level of integration. Integration dissolves unsupportive emotions, belief systems and behavior. This allows you to experience each present moment fully, with a sense of well being and confidence.
Possible changes and benefits are neutralizing old patterns and behaviors, reducing stress, and improving personal and business relationships. Better decision-making, health and vitality and greater self-love with personal awareness and empowerment are among the potential benefits.
I.M.Life™ promotes wholeness and lets you be the best you can be on all levels of consciousness. This will assist you to find and respond to your purpose and mission for being. Learn how to focus and get what you want in your life.
Wisdom is your natural born state, embrace it. This is a journey, which the rewards are a mixture of profound and subtle, strong and gentle. Experience peace, joy and contentment as you develop a positive functional lifestyle personally and professionally.
Many have benefited since 1985 when the Integrational Mastery of Life Program™ was first offered. When this Program is consciously applied in your everyday life, you too can experience personal profound changes.
The Program has proven itself to be lasting in effectiveness by changing and enriching the lives of those on the path of Self-discovery and the lives of those wanting optimum life opportunities and experiences.
Set your True Self free.
Choose I.M. Life ™
Learn an “experiential multiple process” that strengthens your own Light within. The same powerful process develops a [proven] Ancient Shield of protection, that allows for more definition of Self. The Shield will protect you from unwanted emotions and energies. You will feel stronger and clearer and know the difference! The Shield helps everyone, especially those in domineering relationships, teachers, and practitioners.
Emotional baggage from the past, will rob you of the present moment, creating even more baggage for the future. Time is of the essence in living life fully. Phoenix will enhance your life with an accelerated 4-Step Emotional Balancing process for healing past and current issues. Turn difficult emotions into creative and peaceful energy for a more balanced, productive and empowered life. Phoenix will assist you in a safe, calm and gentle space.
Connecting with Self and others is one of the most desired human experiences. DEVELOP listening and speaking tools that empower you and your listener. There are 6 steps to effective, clean, and honest communication that will change your life and your relationships. LEARN simple awareness and connecting communication tools.
How Do You Benefit?
·Experience Personal Freedom. The Freedom Ceremony™ is a process for you to have closure with issues, and relationships. Enhance your Self-definition and relationships with this powerful experience. This takes years off of therapy!
The Freedom Ceremony™ through releasing AKA Cords... This is a special and unique ceremony. AKA Cords are energetic conditional ties made between two people. Cords are binding, not bonding and cause or prevent you from having healthy relationships. Current and future relationships will have an opportunity to be clean and healthy when the old relationships are severed energetically. Few people are aware of the unconscious energy cord that is made with another person. The AKA Cord process includes a healing between you and the one you choose to have closure with. There will be a significant difference in all your relationships once the cord is cut. The healing closure allows for freedom of your mind, heart and energy. Only you need to be present.
·Change your Mind, Change your Life. You will develop habits and behaviors that support the life you want to live. Freedom from undesired, unhealthy and sometimes costly ways of living will be replaced with your new healthy and Self-loving thoughts, emotions and right actions that will benefit you to start fresh.
Non-Invasive Clinical Hypnotherapy
The style with which Phoenix facilitates Hypnotherapy is directed by the client’s needs and suggestions for wanted awareness and changes in their life. The client remains highly aware, in control and able to stop at any time during the process. Non-Invasive Hypnotherapy is safe, relaxing and used for emotional, mental, physical, attitude and habitual problems working at a deep level of consciousness to solve problems and create balance and healing. If you desire to stop an addictive or compulsive behavior or habit, let’s work up a successful process for a positive outcome. Phoenix has over twenty-five years experience assisting and changing lives with hypnotherapy, and over thirty-five years of Life and Business Coaching.
·Feel Calm, Refreshed and Energetic; this is the result of a specially fine-tuned experience, developed by Phoenix for healing effects. Whether everyday stress or a cancer patient, the benefits reach you on a cellular level. It feels good and positively produces a healthier Mind, Body and Spirit.
Phoenix Energywork™
This has been said by Reiki Masters to be the ‘primo energy work’ they have ever experienced. Many cancer patients have received Phoenix Energywork™ as it balances and changes the field of disturbance. This is advanced, eclectic, powerful and effective Energywork™, especially for those with health challenges of any kind. She has had additional training and education which provides processes for Right/Left Brain Integration, also teaching you Self-Therapeutic and Reflexive Bodywork. She has also developed and combined multiple methods of Sound, Breath and Movement Therapies quite effect in removing or changing the Mind and Body memory experience of tragic or upsetting events. Abuse, car accident injury and unpleasant medical procedures are an example of successful uses applied with client interactive experience. This truly brings healing to such events in one’s life. This was developed in the early seventies. She worked closely and in tandem with Half-Way Houses to facilitate change.
Phoenix is also a REIKI Practitioner. Reiki is a form of energy work that relieves physical and emotional blockages, heals imbalances and minmizes the effects of stress and trauma.
·Phoenix is a Mentor for healing that facilitates energy movement for creating harmony within you.
Phoenix is trained and skilled in both active and passive forms of Energywork™. She is a mentor to other professionals for teaching Phoenix Energywork™. Phoenix facilitates transforming energy for healing. Stagnant energy becomes pain, illness and fear. Stuck energy may result in patterned behaviors, attitudes and habits leading to unsupportive circumstances, and feeling unhappy. Your energy may feel or be out of balance for various reasons. There are many approaches possible to bring the body, mind, emotions and spirit back into a harmonious state-of-being. Energy movement is essential for wellbeing. Phoenix will facilitate healing Energywork™ for you with an opportunity for you to learn more about how to keep in balance and feel more harmonious energy within you. She was hired by the esteemed private Prescott College for mentoring students.
·Soul Readings: Ever wonder what your ‘Soul’ wants you to know about how you are living your life? Hear what the messages are your soul has been trying to say to you, but you didn’t hear. This is life changing, because when you listen at a soul level, you change at a cellular level, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Your soul aligns you with your life purpose. Experiences and fears from the past are understood and healed by a deep light-bulb moment! (This is not the same as an Intuitive Reading.
·Intuitive – Psychic Readings: Receive Answers to Your Questions about anything, with empowering and clarifying benefits for you.
A Master Intuitive (Medium) since birth through Direct Divine Information.
Life, Relationships, Pets, Business, Projects and Health
Phoenix has highly aware intuitive states of consciousness to perceive through all five senses with a much heightened sensitivity, plus a sixth sense. The information gathered is from the past, present and future. Her comprehensive viewpoint has depth and insight with concerns ranging from work and life purpose to relationships with solutions specific for core issues. Phoenix is a medical intuitive for people and pets. There are no limits for your questions, and to receive answers for whatever your concerns are, just ask.
Phoenix will mentor and assist other professionals or anyone who wants to learn how to tap into their own wealth of consciousness and sensory development. Ask about private or group sessions. Everyone has a natural born ability, you just forgot, let me remind you of this gift within you.
Enjoy the journey and the destination, get started now! Contact her today.
Rise to Being the Best You
For Appointments, Information and Ordering:
Santa Cruz County, CA
Copyright © 2009